Thursday, November 28, 2013

The Reasons Many Diets and Weight Loss Plans Fail

Fat loss is big business - pardon the pun. You can't open a magazine or turn on the TV without seeing some sort of weight loss advertisement or programme. Where on earth do you start if you want to lose weight quickly and keep it off?

We have seen many diets come and go - low fat, high protein, liquid diets, detox diets... Which to choose? Well, to make an informed choice, we need to look at the latest research on how the body utilises and stores energy. Only then can we establish which of these diets work and which are based on pseudo-science and myth.

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Common Problems

Have you tried diets only to put the weight back on and then some?

Or do you find no matter what you do, you can't make progress in shifting the pounds?

Have you found that a diet that works for your friend has no effect on you?

Have you got stubborn fat that no amount of dieting seems to shift?

Does exercise not help at all in shifting the fat? In fact it makes you want to head for the nearest burger bar and down a super-size meal?

If you can answer yes to any of these you're probably making the classic mistake. You're working against Mother Nature.

Why Your Body Hates You

To be perfectly honest I didn't know whether to title this article Why Your Body Hates You or Why Your Body Loves You. I went for the former as I think most people feel they're fighting a losing battle against their bodies in terms of staying lean and fighting the urge to eat fattening food.

However, when you think about it, Mother Nature is really doing you a favour by keeping you weak, fat and ravenous in order for you to survive. You see our bodies haven't changed genetically much since our hunter gatherer days. Back then there could be long periods between managing to hunt down antelopes for dinner and, during long cold winters, plant food was scarce. The fact that human beings can store fat easily, use their brains more than their brawn and are set up to binge eat after periods of starvation has led to us being the most successful species on the planet.

Today, the ideal human body is held up to be the opposite of weak and fat. We idolise lean, slim, toned bodies and to be fair, from a health perspective, not chasing down antelope on a regular basis isn't doing much for our health. We all know heart disease, type II diabetes, cancer and depression are on the increase and there's a direct correlation to what we're putting in our mouths and lack of exercise to those conditions.

So what can we do? We're genetically designed to be the opposite of what we want to be. In the past lean physiques wouldn't have lasted long winters and a lot of muscle is a pain to carry around when hunting down a gazelle for dinner.

What you need is an eating and exercise plan that outwits Mother Nature, understanding that you have natural instincts which are perfectly natural and normal. It only takes a bit of understanding and information to work with those instincts to give you the body you've always wanted.

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