Friday, November 29, 2013

Smart Eating And Weight Loss

The pounds have piled up; the pants are getting too tight. It is high time to start losing off the extra weight. Planning right from the beginning makes it easier to succeed in your weight loss plans.

Keep track of what you eat and the type of exercise you do every single day. Write everything down in your journal. This gets things organized and you will be better motivated to continue on.

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Cooking your own meals let you have total control over what to put into your body. No more extra oily, salty or sweet food from cafes and restaurants to tempt you and make you stray from your diet. Get some good cookbooks promoting healthy weight loss recipes, some basic cookware and you are well on your way to healthy cooking. You might be pleasantly surprised at the results.

When shopping for groceries, be sure to check the calories count and list of ingredients listed on the food packages. Do not be misled by advertisements such as natural, sugar-free and non-fried. Look at the fine prints. Every little bit counts towards your weight loss goals.

Eat smaller portions at each meal. Invest in smaller size plates to make sure you are not tempted to eat more. Less food on a bigger plate might give you the impression that you are not eating enough and end up taking more food. Just make sure you are having well-balanced meals, even though smaller portions.

The occasional deviation from your diet is no big deal. Being too strict might lead to stress and this is not good for your weight loss plans. You might get so frustrated and just give up. Stress can also lead to binge eating.

Sticking to the same old food day in and day out can be boring and uninspiring. Try healthy food from around the world right at home. Some of them can be easy to cook in your home kitchen.

Eating your main meals in front of the TV, work table or computer screen is a typical bad habit among some of us. It is difficult to be eating healthily this way and besides it is bad for your digestion. If you must be munching on some food while working, munch on carrot sticks instead.

Poor food choices, unhealthy snacks and too much fast and processed food not only lead to an expanding waistline but also clogged arteries. Taking control of the way you eat can lead to positive weight loss and a healthy body.

Weight Loss Ideas for Women: 5 Effective Pointers to Burn Fat

Many people want to lose excess weight to gain attractive and healthful bodies. But losing weight isn't easy, and a lot of people waste money on "miracle" weight loss products that don't work. According to experts, the best way to lose weight is to eat a proper diet and to perform plenty of exercise.

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This article will show you 5 weight loss ideas for women. Try these dieting tips to help you lose weight without any special equipment or drugs.

Take a look at these 5 Pointers to Burn Fat:

5. Eat Healthy and Eat Often

4. Exercise Regularly

3. Stay Hydrated

2. Get Enough Rest

1. Change Your Lifestyle

5. Eat Healthy and Eat Often

According to the experts, reducing your eating will slow your weight loss because reducing eating consumption and frequency will slow down your metabolism. Unfortunately, some women think they can lose weight faster by starving themselves. This actually causes your body to store fat as "emergency food".

Therefore, it's important to eat often, but eating the right foods. To lose weight in a healthy and efficient way, experts recommend that you eat 3 to 5 small meals each day instead of 1 or 2 big meals.

Make sure that you're eating foods that are high-fiber and low-fat. Fiber takes a long time to digest and helps you lose weight by keeping you full longer, to prevent food cravings.

4. Exercise Regularly

Dieting isn't enough to make you lose weight. You'll need to combine dieting with regular exercise to help burn extra calories consumed after a meal.

According to experts, exercising about 30 minutes, 3 or 4 times a week, can help you to lose 1 to 2 pounds per week. Likewise, most women know that exercise is the fastest weight loss method.

Even very little exercise increases your metabolism, and helps your body to burn calories, fat more quickly. Some of the best almost-free exercises at home are aerobics, dancing, bicycling, jogging, and walking.

3. Stay Hydrated by Drinking Water

Make sure that your body is well-hydrated, to lose weight with maximum efficiency. The more active you are, the more water your body needs. Water keeps your sugar and metabolism levels at good levels, which helps with weight loss. Avoid sugary drinks because excess sugar can increase your sugar levels and make you gain weight.

Experts recommend that you drink 5 glasses of water every day to ensure that your body is well-hydrated.

2. Get Good Quality Sleep

Stress can lead to unbalanced hormones and can lead to binge eating, which is a common cause of weight gain.

Getting enough rest each day keeps essential hormone levels in check to help decrease stress, and to powerfully balance hormones. Make sure that you get enough rest and sleep every day to keep your body functioning properly and burning fat efficiently.

5-HTP Select For Weight Loss

You are desperate to lose weight, but dieting is simply not your cup of tea. Not because you don't want to do it, but because you cannot control the urge to eat. Is there a way to trim the pounds without having to endure the unpleasant side effects of dieting?

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One way to help is the use of appetite suppressants such as 5-HTP.

The Facts on 5-HTP

5-HTP is the abbreviated form for 5-hydroxytryptophan. It is a naturally occurring substance in the body produced from tryptophan. This substance is then converted into serotonin and melatonin. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter in the brain. It is nicknamed the "Happy Hormone" as it carries signals of happiness between the nerve cells in the brain. Thus, it acts a mood stabilizer. Serotonin was also shown to improve sleep in users.

The pills available in the market are herbal supplements. They are made using a similar chemical compound derived from plants. 5-hydroxytryptophan is sourced from the seeds of the Griffonia Simplicifolia, a shrub native to West Africa. The pills are mostly available in the capsule form. These herbal supplements have not been approved by the FDA.

The Science Behind 5-HTP

5-hydroxytryptophan is a natural appetite suppressant. It reduces hunger pangs and controls your calorie consumption. It trims down cravings particularly for carbohydrates.

This amino acid derived from tryptophan also aids in weight loss by regulating the amount of serotonin produced by the body. Low levels of serotonin create feelings of depression and stress. Many overeat to seek solace when stressed or depressed leading to unwanted weight gain. 5-HTP boosts serotonin levels. The elevated levels of the happy hormone calm the mind and create a "feel good" feeling. By improving your mood, it gives rise to a feeling of satiety and prevents overeating induced by stress.

Thus, appetite suppression combined with a general sense of wellbeing makes 5-hydroxytryptophan an effective weight loss tool.

Selected studies have also proved its effectiveness in treating insomnia, depression and headaches. But there is not much evidence in this regard.


You can start 5-HTP at 50 mg per day. You can level up gradually. The supplements can be taken with food or before your meal.

Precautions and Side Effects

This supplement does not replace a healthy diet or exercise program. For those suffering a medical condition, it is advised that you take the supplement only after consulting your doctor. It should also not be taken by those using other medications as there are chances of drug interactions.

The supplement is safe when taken in the right dosage. However, prolonged use in higher doses can cause side effects. These include gastrointestinal problems such as vomiting, nausea and stomach pain. Pregnant or lactating women should not take 5-HTP.

Combine Mind and Body With a Holistic Weight Loss Approach

So many weight loss programs focus on two factors: diet and exercise. However, there are often more psychological and social elements involved. By taking a holistic approach, you can address the underlying issues behind actions like overeating or not exercising enough. This promotes long-term weight loss so that you can maintain your ideal weight and enjoy the health benefits that follow.

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Designing a holistic approach

If you decide to try a holistic approach, be sure to design a routine that is specific to your goals and personality. Recognize yourself as the leader in your weight loss journey. Choose the activities and exercises that are most enjoyable to you. After all, you're the one putting forth the effort. When choosing from the list of holistic methods below, remember that eating right and exercising should still be components of your design.

Cognitive-Behavior Therapy

Regain control over your eating habits through psychotherapy. This approach focuses on actually altering behaviors to help you lose weight. With the help of a therapist, you can learn to replace your unhealthy self-image and negative behaviors with new techniques that will stick.


Meditation helps you to achieve a better understanding of your thoughts and emotions that drive specific behaviors. Set aside some time from your busy day to reflect and identify your emotions rather than falling back on old patterns such as overeating. Meditating can also help you realize when you're actually hungry or full.

Positive messages

It may sound trivial, but positive thoughts can have a huge impact on eating behaviors. This is especially true if your parents used food as a way to control your behavior when you were younger. Studies have found that restricting food or making children diet when they are young often results in weight problems when they are older. You can replace these negative feelings towards food with positive thoughts. Empowering phrases such as, "I can control my eating habits" or "I'm proud of my healthy eating today" are good examples. Try adding them to your day, especially if you slip up. Getting down on yourself for your mistakes will only make it harder to lose weight.


Keeping a journal of what you've eaten for the day is a good start when it comes to monitoring your progress. Sometimes this extra step is all that's needed to keep you from snacking when you shouldn't. Take time to expand this reflection to your emotions as well. Document the outcomes of the changes you make in your life so that you can look back on them when you need extra motivation.


Thinking about losing weight isn't enough to make it happen, but it can add some energy to your routine. Take the time to think about how it will feel to lose weight. Imagine what you will look like and the new clothes you can wear. It's also beneficial to picture the choices you need to make to get there.

Why Is Green Coffee Bean Extract Considered A Natural Weight Loss Supplement?

Weight loss is not just about looking great. More importantly, it is about staying healthy. The two most common ways of losing weight naturally are maintaining a low-fat diet and regular exercise. Needless to say, these are the ideal ways of losing weight. However, they take a lot of time and effort, sometimes leaving people frustrated. What they should know is that there are other ways to lose weight naturally without going on a strict diet and undergoing a strenuous exercise. One of these is taking a natural weight loss supplement such as green coffee bean extract.

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What makes green coffee bean extract a natural weight loss supplement? Green coffee bean extract speeds up metabolism or how the body burns fat. Thus, when people take the supplement, their bodies just naturally burn fat faster. And, the natural compound responsible for this is chlorogenic acid. With the help of the compound, their bodies still burn fat even when they are just sitting down and not doing anything.

Moreover, the supplement naturally suppresses appetite, and it does this without leaving the body weak as it energizes the body at the same time. This means that people who take the supplement get to lose weight without compromising their daily activities. Of course, while the supplement helps people burn fat even when they do not do regular exercise, combining it with regular exercise maximizes its weight loss effect.

Weight Loss - Five Ways to Stay Motivated

So you've decided that it is time to lose weight. You've started your exercise routine and you are choosing healthful foods. Everything is going great for the first week. The second week rolls around and you ditched your exercise routine a couple days and find yourself not paying too much attention to what you are ordering at the restaurant with your friends. By week 3 you are back to your old habits and your weight loss goals are not being met. This is an all too common scenario when the comfort of our old habits takes hold and our new habits disappear. What happened to that motivation during the first week?

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It is possible to get your motivation back so you can meet all your life's goals. Practicing these 5 steps can help you stay motivated for the long haul.

1. Create a vision.

Have you ever written a business plan before? Writing a vision is crucial for the success of your business and it is crucial for your weight loss plan. Your vision is what you are working towards and how you envision your life. Why do you want to lose weight? You must go beyond "I want to lose 15 pounds" or "I want to fit into a size 8". Go a bit deeper. What will weight loss bring you? For most people it will bring increased energy and better health. It may even allow you to participate in something you have been longing to do like run a marathon or go on a back packing trip. These are heart-felt reasons to lose weight that will keep you motivated in the long run. When you start to slide back into your old habits, just ask yourself, is this choice bringing me closer to my vision?

2. Set goals each week.

One thing that can keep you on track is to set specific goals each week. Sit down at the beginning of each week and map out some simple goals that you can set for yourself. These don't have to be huge goals, just simple ones like: I will limit my ice-cream to 1 time this week. Goals help you to stay focused while changing habits. Post your goals all over as reminders.

3. Schedule your exercise

When embarking on a new fitness program, many people go at it whenever the time permits. This is a sure-fire way to slip out of the habit. It becomes too easy to let other things in your life become the priority. Try to schedule your exercise routine the same time each week. For example scheduling your weekly walk Monday - Thursday at 5:30pm helps you to create a habit which will get easier and easier to stick with. Keep your appointment with yourself just like you would a doctor's appointment. It is just as important!

4. Build your support system

Support comes in all different forms. This may be a walking buddy, group meetings, or professional services. No matter what road you take it is crucial to have your support system in place. This not only keeps you motivated but also helps to keep you accountable. Professional services such as a Registered Dietitian, Personal Trainer, or Life Coach can all help to provide sound advice and strategies to help you reach your goals. There are many wonderful resources out there to provide these kinds of services. Build your support system around each topic: nutrition, fitness, and self-discovery. Even signing up for some free e-newsletters or joining a weight loss message board helps towards building your support system.

5. When all else fails: the 3-step backup promise

Ok. You've tried all of the above and your old habits are just too strong of a deterrent. This is when you break out the 3-step backup promise. Make yourself a list of 3 minimum steps you promise to take daily. These steps will differ for each person. The key is they have to be completely easy and doable for you and still work towards your weight loss goals. It could be having a fruit or vegetable with each meal, going for a 10 minute walk, lifting hand weights for 10 minutes, etc. Then, when things start to derail you can agree to do the minimum After all you did promise yourself! Make up your 3-step back-up promise so when things aren't going well you can at least stay somewhat on track with 3 doable steps.

The New Acai Weight Loss "Patch" Through Transdermal Nutrient Release

It's understandable that people are skeptical when it comes to using a patch as a weight loss supplement, but like nicotine patches, this is now a viable alternative and a more steadier way to absorb a number of weight loss anti-oxidant nutrients through transdermal nutrient release.

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Probably most influential at muscle regeneration and perfect for stocking up on amino acids, the Acai critical trace minerals also increase your body's metabolism and energy output.

Acai is also said to improve digestive and cardiovascular health and is often used in unison with detox supplements by dieters looking to cleanse and flush their liver, intestine and colon - clean.

This is achieved through absorbing a vast array of healthy mono-unsaturated fats, phytosterols and dietary fibers along with magnesium, potassium, calcium, copper and zinc.

The Acai berry is a sultry rich fruit with has as much protein you will find in an egg and as many healthy fats that you will find in omega 3, 6 and 9, which are incredibly hard to get your hands on in modern day processed foods.

How and where to apply Acai weight loss patches:

Scientifically formulated, these 24 hour patches come as one month supplies and should be applied by placing the patch on a clean, hairless area of your body such as:

    Under the arch of your foot
    Behind the knee
    Mid abdomen
    On the upper arm
    Crease of the elbow
    Inside of the wrist
    On your back or shoulder

Acai Patch Ingredients:

Acai patches don't primarily possess just Acai berry anti-oxidant extracts but also Green Tea Extract (GTC), Vitamin B3 and B6, Camellia Sinensis,, Garcinia Cambogia and Chromium Polynicotinate.

Key Acai Patch Health Benefits:

    Regenerates muscle cells
    High in amino acids
    Contains critical trace minerals
    Increases your body's metabolism
    Boosts energy output
    Improves digestive and cardiovascular health
    Used in unison with detox supplements it helps cleanse and flush the liver, intestine and colon

Acai patches are freeze dried and can help provide powerful anti-oxidants to your body easily.

Discreet and painless as the product purports, they are argued to be a fantastically new painless way to instantly let your body absorb these powerful ingredients over a 24 hour period at a steady pace, through the new scientifically formulated trans-dermal nutrient release.

These acai patches also come with GTC as mentioned, or most commonly known as green tea catechins, which in essence, increase your metabolic rate, speed up liver metabolism and restrict unhealthy fats from being absorbed after being digested.